Discover the world of herbal medicine as you voyage through this intensive herbalist certificate program. Herbs have been used for thousands of years by people all over our planet for both food and medicine. Herbalists may be called by many names, but what they all have in common is the greatest understanding of the use of herbs, the appropriate duration and dosage, as well as how to choose the best herbal approach given the situation. Learn how to become an herbal specialist for a career in the fast-growing natural medicine industry; start your own business, product line, podcast or blog; or as an assent to your current profession.
Throughout the courses you will learn the historical and biochemical aspects of integrating plant-based medicine to improve diet and overall health planning. Each module will discuss a body system and the herbs associated with them; herbalist history; botany; biochemistry; nutrition; herbal preparations, creating blends and applying energetic theories. Your instructor will also guide you on your desired path and help you with a personalized business plan. ​​
 Modules last 3 hours in person with a lecture and hands on portion where we will make and create products you can use at home. There will also be 2-4 hours of at home course work- researching herbs, practicing creating formulas, and following other assigned presentations at your leisure. There will  a test at the end of each section followed by a final test given at the end of last module. After you have  completed each section, and submitted your tests you will then receive a certificate.